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Main Office, 50 S Fullerton Avenue, 3rd Floor - Monday through Friday 10am - 5pm


Main Library Parking   Main Library Public Transit
Bellevue Avenue Branch Parking Bellevue Avenue Branch Public Transit

The Walnut Parking Plaza-Clary Anderson Ice Rink Area - From the corner of Montclair Ave & Label St., pull into the Walnut Parking Plaza and turn right. Go to the dead end which is the Clary Anderson Arena and park as close as you can to this area. If possible, stay out of the Permit Parking area. This may not be possible on large trips where we discuss waiving restrictions for the days of trips.


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The fastest way to register is by completing the transaction yourself through our website.  We accept Visa, Mastercard and Discover Card.

**You must have a username and password to register. You may create one by clicking on "sign in"(left hand side of homepage) and "create a user profile". If you have registered previously, please call (973-744-0500 x2224) or email ( the office and we will provide your username and password.

If you are a new student and a Montclair resident, please call the office after creating your student profile and we will set up residency status on your account so that you will receive the discount for onsite (held in the library) classes.

Once you are able to sign in, you may register by doing the following:

  •  Browse Classes for options or enter class name in search
  •  Click on class of interest (clicking on the blue class name will give you more detailed information)
  •  Click Add to My Shopping Cart at the top of the page (** You will be prompted to sign in if you haven’t already.) 
  •  If you are a new student you will need to click Create Student Profile to create your personal account before proceeding.)
  •  Select additional classes if desired
  •  Click "checkout" in upper right hand corner of screen in shopping cart box
  •  Check refund policy box (to indicate that you understand these terms)
  •  Click on "checkout" at the bottom
  •  Enter credit card information and click submit
  •  Print your receipt and class confirmation
In Person 
Visit us at the Adult School office on the 3rd floor of the library. Payments may be made with a credit card, cash, check or money order made payable to the Montclair Public Library.  The office staff will process your registration in the order received.

Call the office at 973-744-0500 x2224 Monday through Friday 10am-5pm and the office staff will process your registration and credit card payment in the order received. 

*** Please Note: Full tuition must accompany your registration.

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All transfer, credit and withdrawal requests must be made in person or by phone (973-744-0500 x2224)
during normal business hours: Monday - Friday, 10am to 5pm in order to be processed. 

Student Withdrawals
In order to cancel a class and receive a refund of tuition and any pre-paid materials fees we require 7 calendar days notice for classes and 14 calendar days notice for trips. Students will receive a refund less an administrative fee of $10.  Refunds are made using the original method of payment.  There are no refunds for classes rescheduled due to weather related events.

Student Transfers
Transfers require at least 7 calendar days notice. A $10 administrative fee is applicable.

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Adult School Department CLASS CANCELLATIONS

Adult School Dept Rescheduling of Classes
The Adult School department reserves the right to change class locations, schedules, and instructors when necessary. In the event that a scheduling change poses a conflict, please advise the Adult School office. There are no refunds for classes rescheduled due to weather related events.
Adult School Dept Class Cancellations
On occasion we may have to cancel a class due to low enrollment or other circumstances. Students will be notified by email (and/or telephone) if a class is cancelled. You may either transfer to another class or you will be refunded using the same method of payment. If the class that you transfer to is more expensive, then the student will be responsible to pay the difference.

Inclement Weather 
If the library is closed, there will be NO onsite or offsite classes. Students may also check the library website or the Adult School website for information.

If there is a delayed opening at the library, classes will be held once the library opens. If a class is cancelled, students will be notified by email. For offsite classes, students will receive an email from either the adult school or their instructor regarding class.

Information regarding cancellations will be posted on the website and/or a message recording by calling 973-744-0500 x2224. Classes will be rescheduled if possible.

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Adult School Department ONLINE CLASSES

When do online classes take place? 
Ed2go online professional development classes are six weeks long, a new session starts every month, so students can sign up anytime.  New lessons are released weekly, on Wednesday and Friday for the six-week duration of the course.
Click here for questions about online classes

Advanced Career & Certificate Training Programs are designed for students looking to start a new career, or gain skills to advance in their existing career.  You can register and start these programs as soon as you are ready.  
Click here for information about career training programs

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Why does the Adult School Department ask for my contact information? We use contact information to communicate class changes or cancellations. 

Is there a registration fee? No

Why won't the system allow me to register? If the class is full, there will be a solid red box visible. You may choose to put yourself on the waiting list at this point. 

How do I get a catalog? Catalogs are available at both locations of the Montclair Public Library, Main and Bellevue Branch. The catalogs are also distributed to local libraries and as newspaper inserts in the local papers. You may also click on the image of the catalog on the homepage for our flipdoc or on the pdf version below the flipdoc to download and print a copy.

Who is eligible to take Adult School classes? Classes are open to everyone high-school age and older, unless otherwise indicated in the class description. You do not need to be a Montclair resident to register for a class. 

When do onsite classes meet? Onsite classes run year round. Visit the website often for details.

What if I am dissatisfied with my class? Please contact the office and we will try our best to address your concerns!

If I miss a class, can I make it up by attending another class or by making it up next semester? Students may not make up absences by attending classes other than their own or by attending the same class the following semester. 

Are classes handicapped-accessible? Because classes are held in multiple locations, we ask that you call us directly so we can accommodate your needs. The Main Branch of the Montclair Public Library is handicapped accessible. The Bellevue Avenue Branch of the Montclair Public Library is NOT handicapped-accessible at this time but plans are underway to change this.
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To provide a wide range of quality learning experiences for the diverse community we serve and to be a forum for innovative ideas and critical issues.

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Maurice Boyer, Department Head

Ariel Zeitlin, Programming Librarian

Kaitlyn Flannagan, Programming Associate

Elaine Morillo, Marketing & Technology Assistant

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